Sunday, May 14, 2006


Oi, Renuka e Cara! Meus amadas! Nos indomos para Sao Paolo! In my broken Portuguese, that should say, "Hey, Renuka and Cara! My dears! We're going to Sao Paolo!" Got some kick-ass news yesterday--our panel was accepted for a conference in Brazil. It'll be a nice ending to our month-long adventure. Woohoo!! Nos estamos muito legal, mocas!

And onto last night: Marty and I hit The Keg (no one was hurt--sorry, couldn't resist) and sat in their muito swanky bar, had some martinis (try the Clear Peach) and nibblies. It seems that the 30-and-up crowd in Windsor huddles by Riverside on Saturday nights--who knew? A walk down Ouellette around midnight revealed our 19-year-old selves standing in lines outside of the bars-of-the-moment in much too little clothing, clinging to our new-found amours, and hoping that the buzz would stay until we got in. Good times.

Freighters were hangin' out too. Or had they run aground, as Marty insists? We had a rather confusing, martini-induced debate about whether the freighters were dumping water to become more buoyant or not. Two possibilities:

1) When a freighter has water in the hull (and air, obviously) it allows it to displace more of the river water and therefore rides higher.

2) Water in the hull makes a freighter sink and so, yes, they had run aground.

Anyone know the real answer? I won't tell whose idea is whose.
Morons must protect their identities.


At 14/5/06 7:57 PM, Blogger Renuka said...

I didn't get "Nos estamos muito legal, mocas!" but when I googled it thru the language tool, this is what I got-- "In them we are very legal, mocas";o)

At 14/5/06 7:57 PM, Blogger Renuka said...

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At 14/5/06 8:05 PM, Blogger Vicki said...

It's supposed to be "We are great!" --at least that's what my phrasebook tells me. Maybe the lack of diacritical marks messes it up?

Or, maybe it's a fake phrasebook and in Belo Horizonte, while asking for the nearest pay phone, I'll call someone a "padou"!


At 15/5/06 12:10 AM, Blogger neal said...

actually it displaces less water. Displacment is measured as the volume of water hull takes up into the water.
Dumping water in the river probably has next to nothing to do with running aground, although the water level is real real low, like freakish.
The channel should be deep enough. Not the dumping of the water is likely just the usual balast dumping. They'll be doing it when they just get off the lake, you shouldn't see it from south bound frieghters.

I could be wrong... but if a frieghter were to run aground on the Detroit I'd probably hear about it.

At 15/5/06 1:11 PM, Blogger Renuka said...

"Great" sounds just fine!So does "legal"(esp. when you're not an American...get pulled over by the US immigration at the border and asked if you've finished eating the burger from Burger King,Canada...apparently when you enter the US, it has to either be in you or in the trash bin on the Canadian side!)

#The Canadian burger "in me" while I'm in the US is legal. So then the question is- Can the ensuing "padou" be in the US? Or does its creation make my status illegal? ;o)

At 19/5/06 9:54 PM, Blogger -m-a-r-t- said...




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