Monday, May 22, 2006

Happy Victoria Day!

No joke, it's a real, national holiday. Apparently, Canada is the only country to officially recognize Queen Victoria's bday. Every year oodles of us collect in backyards and campgrounds across the great expanse that is our country, and we pay homage to Queen Vick with two-fours (cases of 24 beers) or kegs, various BBQ'd delicacies, and fireworks. Gotta love it! Actually, I don't think anyone really cares that "May two-four" weekend (ie: May 24th) is in hono(u)r of a long-dead Queen--they just wanna hang out and have a day off of work.

So I ask you: If a holiday bears your name, shouldn't you have the day off regardless of what side of the border you work on? Mo' fo' wants a break! ;>

p.s: I also found out that Queen V. was quite the party-girl back in the day (before she got all stuffy and uptight). Maybe years of partying were just too much for her. When you think about it, we're not that far off with our relentless celebrations, eh? Cheers!


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