Thursday, June 29, 2006


Last year, a two-minute walk to the riverfront with a friend to stand under the display.

This year, margaritas, Kermit balls, and friends in the 10th floor department lounge.

The core of downtown Detroit looked amazing as a black skyline silhouetted by the bright sparkly sky. And when I think about the international event--the joining of two countries to celebrate similar holidays (sponsored by Target, of course)--it makes me happy to be living in this area.

And, the compliment-whisperer struck again. It may've been the margaritas. Or the wine. Or the chocolate. Regardless, it was nice to make someone's evening. And to see him blush.


At 30/6/06 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 3/7/06 3:34 PM, Blogger -m-a-r-t- said...

uhm, whoever anonymous is SHOULD GET A LIFE!!! ha ha ha ha ha,... just teasin' love ya!

ahem, okay back to the entry, I was lying on my side recovering from an 'episode' from earlier that night.

better now but fireworks by T.V. is just not the same!

At 3/7/06 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOT THE COMPLIMENT WHISPERER!!! Coming soon to a theatre near you: The COMPLIMENT WHISPERER! Starring Vicki. Critics are raving... "It's shocking and sweet at the same time!"; "I loved it -- who will she pick next!!"; "I couldn't stand the suspence -- your heart is in your throat as you see her setting down her drink and creeping across the room to some unsuspecting soul..."



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