H2O (how d'you do a subscript on blogger?)

When I got home yesterday after the Saturday night shin dig (also after the 80th bday party) I saw a mini waterfall spouting through the curb in front of the building next door. Comforting, no?
Turns out, a main had busted and my building (well, the three apartments that make up this building) had no water. About 2 hmpfs (though I may have underreacted).
A few phone calls later assured me that I would have no running water until late Monday. What's a consistently hygenic girl supposed to do? Pack a little bag, sleep, and shower at Mere and Sheb's place in the morning. Worked wonders! And, it let me relive my previous basement-dwelling life at my parents' house. It's still home but not home. So weird. But oh, that water pressure! Gives a girl shivers... (and, at least there were NO YELLOW BALLOONS in that shower!)
love that picture.
yellow balloons?
by the way, you looked HOT last night....seriously.
did you find out, HOW TO GET THE GUY?
Yes, yellow balloons. Thousands of them--well, 72 of them.
No, didn't learn anything new except that San Francisco has some pretty creepy guys! ;P
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