Monday, June 12, 2006

H2O (how d'you do a subscript on blogger?)

When I got home yesterday after the Saturday night shin dig (also after the 80th bday party) I saw a mini waterfall spouting through the curb in front of the building next door. Comforting, no?

Turns out, a main had busted and my building (well, the three apartments that make up this building) had no water. About 2 hmpfs (though I may have underreacted).

A few phone calls later assured me that I would have no running water until late Monday. What's a consistently hygenic girl supposed to do? Pack a little bag, sleep, and shower at Mere and Sheb's place in the morning. Worked wonders! And, it let me relive my previous basement-dwelling life at my parents' house. It's still home but not home. So weird. But oh, that water pressure! Gives a girl shivers... (and, at least there were NO YELLOW BALLOONS in that shower!)


At 13/6/06 7:52 PM, Blogger -m-a-r-t- said...

love that picture.

yellow balloons?

by the way, you looked HOT last night....seriously.

did you find out, HOW TO GET THE GUY?

At 13/6/06 10:32 PM, Blogger Vicki said...

Yes, yellow balloons. Thousands of them--well, 72 of them.

No, didn't learn anything new except that San Francisco has some pretty creepy guys! ;P


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