Day Nine/Ten: Hein? (Eh?)
I love those days when you start off doing something relatively normal, say, sightseeing at Ouro Preto (17th century town with 365 churches--there's a whole story about hiding gold from the Portuguese that I can tell to those interested).
Next thing you know you're in a dance studio learning to samba with a professional dancer from Rio de Janeiro.
Expecting to come back to the pousada for sleep, you end up going out to dinner at Barro Beer (nice dining area) around 11:30pm, eating some of the best "fajou de tropeiro" you've ever had, followed by a sketchy walk to "Churrascaria de Manuel".
Who else would you expect to meet at a churrascaria but friends of Waldin (one of the guys we met last weekend), a German exchange student and his Brazilian friend, and Juliano from the "churrascarizinho" (small churrascaria)?
The final stop? Back to Barro Beer for dancing to some fucking kick-ass Brazilian techno, caipirinhas, and several "friendly" Brazilians in the V.I.P. area! Apparently, Juliano is a good guy to know!
A night that foreshadowed relaxation and getting some work done turned into a 5:20am taxi ride back to the pousada for a few hours of sleep before we're off to an authentic Indian lunch with one of the UFMG professors and a weekend that promises samba, a theatre-festival party, and my new German friend. ;>
Wow!!!! That is quite an unbelievable adventure!! I hope you have lots of photes of that night. Can I say 'be careful!!' and still sound cool and casual?? Hahah... Just take care of yourself. All I can really say is keep a detailed journal and we will have as many trips to THE GRIND as necessary when you return!! :)
Doing my best with the journal, though, I admit, it's not quite up-to-date. I'm just not focused on writing things down when I can live them at the moment, ya know? ;>
I'm coming to T.O. in September--I promise.
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