Day One: I hear JFK is lovely this time of year

"Three hours early" to JFK is clearly not enough time to secure a seat on Varig Airlines. Now we wait at a random counter, hoping it's the Tam Airlines counter, wishing that they'll give us seats on it for tonight's flight. It's not so bad afterall--we found a bar with beer, a wireless internet connection, and have counted hot, "swarthy," (married) men who've passed by. What's this photo, you ask? It's Cara and I waiting at the Varig ticket counter--they sent us there to get coupons for the Tam flight.
*wonderful* picture. love hilly
VO! That photo is hilarious!! I love those faces. I think I have the same phote if you substitute a "Geostratigraphy" text for your suitcase and the Leddy for the airport... GOOD LUCK!!!!
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