Wednesday, July 12, 2006

as promised...

1) Yes, my knees should be in the kayak
2) Yes, we need different PFDs
3) Yes, E's holding a vodka cooler as she sang "Oh Canada!" beneath the flag
4) Yes, there will be more photos when the other film is developed



At 12/7/06 8:11 AM, Blogger Renuka said...

Come over to the American side Victoria Abboud. Stony Creek awaits you. Only you have better looking kayaks...but hey, Stony Creek's got a mountain bike trail,speed boats, paddle boats(with places to fit your beer cooler)and a historic canoe(no really really they do)!
And now back to the syllabus;o)see you in a bit.

At 12/7/06 8:12 PM, Blogger -m-a-r-t- said...

renuka - you are ultra!

like ya already.

vicki - you are ultra too!

love you since we were minor niners!

pics look fun - who took them?

At 14/7/06 11:21 PM, Blogger Renuka said...

Hey Marty, you're ultra too;o)Don't forget, you're my Vicki replacement!(shh...don't tell her!)

At 16/7/06 12:48 PM, Blogger Vicki said...

M: Mere took one from the dock. I took the one of E. (had a waterproof disposable) FUN!

At 16/7/06 12:50 PM, Blogger Vicki said...

Well, maybe I should leave you two alone and let you become the best friends ever...

"Vick? Who's that?" you'll say as I quickly slip from your minds and you all go dancing and camping without me. ;>


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