Day ?: Ipe (circumflex over "e")

There is a tree in Brazil that creates phenomenal blossoms in bright yellow, purple, and magenta. It dots the hillsides in the sea of brown, dried plants and strikes the eye.
There's a good lesson in this little wonder: when winter comes all the vegetation dries up. The lush green-ness of the hills is replaced with brownish tones and dry grass. This ipe tree (pron. "eepay") looks dead like all the other plants but, as the story goes, when least expected it gives one more set of blooms. Some say that these are the most beautiful flowers it produces. They say that it blooms one last time to show us that even when we think we have no more to give, that there is no hope, we all have the ability to bloom once more and that, maybe, it will be our most beautiful blossom yet.
Kinda cheesy? Maybe. But I like it.
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