For J,

[This image was titled "Brazil Hurricane"--what a coinkidink!]
While my world has picked up some dramatic speed lately, I'm trying to maintain some calmness as I rest wearily in the eye of my own (self-indulgent?) hurricane. Was it Nietzsche who said that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger? It was someone smart, I know that.
I've neglected this blog for well over a month, so now I'll try to be more consistent with posting. (Thanks for the reminder, Miss J.) I see that your weather out in B.C. is much warmer than ours over here, eh? Relish it, I tell you. Relish it!
Vickers, around this time Windsor starts to get colder and colder while Van starts to get wetter and wetter, but don't forget anytime you want snow you can hike up a mountain! I'll miss seeing you this Holiday season, but you know where to find me (us?). Oh! Thank you again for the dedication, Miss J.
hello hello....what a great pic! love radar shots!
will we see each other this week? only our life schedules can tell.
ciao bella!
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