So I did some cleaning today. Laundry, dishes, the usual. To my dismay, I am missing two things: a black, zippered hoodie and the AC charger for my cell phone. Not in the closet, not in the car, not behind the couch, not strewn about the backyard, nowhere to be seen. Hmpf.
I tried retracing my steps but can't seem to remember ten minutes ago, let alone what I may have done with random items. Hmpf x 2.
could both be in the office but that would require a Saturday trip over/under the river and there are no guarantees that I'd find them. Hmpf x 3.
Or, I might be delighted to see them and that would make me feel better as it's s'posed to be cooler tomorrow so I really want that hoodie and my phone battery is withering. Hmpf / 2 (the slash is "divided by").
And, the Detroit Festival of the Arts is on this weekend and I could go see the sand sculpture that folks were making when I taught on Wednesday night--an Alice in Wonderland-ish theme. Hmpf / 3.
Final Score: Just 1 hmpf = "mildly annoying, a little disconcerting, but the misplacement of the items is not something to explode over, nor is it something that will negatively affect me forever."
So...if you have any leads on where I might find these items, please let me know. I might offer a reward of some kind: homemade apple sauce, a back rub, or maybe even a trip to Toronto! Or, if you're feeling especially kind, you could just buy me a new black, zippered hoodie and AC charger.