Thursday, June 29, 2006


Last year, a two-minute walk to the riverfront with a friend to stand under the display.

This year, margaritas, Kermit balls, and friends in the 10th floor department lounge.

The core of downtown Detroit looked amazing as a black skyline silhouetted by the bright sparkly sky. And when I think about the international event--the joining of two countries to celebrate similar holidays (sponsored by Target, of course)--it makes me happy to be living in this area.

And, the compliment-whisperer struck again. It may've been the margaritas. Or the wine. Or the chocolate. Regardless, it was nice to make someone's evening. And to see him blush.

Monday, June 26, 2006


...of an Ontario summer:

-wavy fields of wheat, oats, and corn changing colours from green to yellow-green

-crowds of 30-somethings on roof-top bars as the sun sets over Cumberland

-random festivals belting awesome music at every turn

-vendor dogs everywhere (the best ones are in front of the ROM)

-whispers to a stranger: "You're very cute. I just thought you should know that."

I love Toronto.

Monday, June 19, 2006


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
And sorry I could not travel both,
And be one traveller, long I stood... (R. Frost)

To go or not to go, that is the question (Shakespeare)

Who said literature doesn't relate to real life?

Friday, June 16, 2006


I am. Canadian. Remember that slogan?

Well, you know you're Canadian when... you're sittin' in your bra wearing an Edmonton Oilers toque*, watching the Stanley Cup finals with a bottle of Moosehead in your hand, and yelling at the t.v. while the zamboni drives by.**

* Toque = a warm, winter hat usually knitted with a pom-pom on top.
** Thanks to Miss J. for reminding me.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

What can I say but...

I made a mistake.

Open mouth. Insert foot.


I hate INS bullies.

Monday, June 12, 2006

H2O (how d'you do a subscript on blogger?)

When I got home yesterday after the Saturday night shin dig (also after the 80th bday party) I saw a mini waterfall spouting through the curb in front of the building next door. Comforting, no?

Turns out, a main had busted and my building (well, the three apartments that make up this building) had no water. About 2 hmpfs (though I may have underreacted).

A few phone calls later assured me that I would have no running water until late Monday. What's a consistently hygenic girl supposed to do? Pack a little bag, sleep, and shower at Mere and Sheb's place in the morning. Worked wonders! And, it let me relive my previous basement-dwelling life at my parents' house. It's still home but not home. So weird. But oh, that water pressure! Gives a girl shivers... (and, at least there were NO YELLOW BALLOONS in that shower!)

Sunday, June 11, 2006


My maternal grandma, Rose Marie, died about five years ago.

Today, I went to a birthday party to celebrate Ma Tante Bern's (her eldest sister's) 80th birthday. It was part party, part reunion--seeing relatives I haven't seen in a long time and meeting others for the first time ("I haven't seen you since you were five" or "The last time I saw you, you were in diapers!" or "You have eyes like Rose Marie's" were the favourite phrases of the day).

Mingling around with beer in-hand (not so wise after a Saturday night filled with Crown Royal!), I made my way through generations of the family and answered, "I'm teaching and doing my Ph.D." and "No, I'm not married" about a thousand times. Sounds painful, certainly, but it really wasn't. Just redundant. Just redundant.

Ma Tante Bern's face is the spitting image of my grandma's. Hugging Ma Tante Cecile is like hugging her. Mon Oncle Peter's crass sense of humour is the humour that she adored. My mom's mannerisms are like her more and more everyday. And I heard stories from people who knew my grandparents 60 years ago when they were first married.

Throughout all of this, I had a twinge that I haven't felt in a long time. Whether it was repressed or just forgotten for a little while, I don't know. But today was challenging in a way I never expected. I missed her. In some way, she was all around me. But I really missed her.

Friday, June 09, 2006


So I did some cleaning today. Laundry, dishes, the usual. To my dismay, I am missing two things: a black, zippered hoodie and the AC charger for my cell phone. Not in the closet, not in the car, not behind the couch, not strewn about the backyard, nowhere to be seen. Hmpf.

I tried retracing my steps but can't seem to remember ten minutes ago, let alone what I may have done with random items. Hmpf x 2.

They could both be in the office but that would require a Saturday trip over/under the river and there are no guarantees that I'd find them. Hmpf x 3.

Or, I might be delighted to see them and that would make me feel better as it's s'posed to be cooler tomorrow so I really want that hoodie and my phone battery is withering. Hmpf / 2 (the slash is "divided by").

And, the Detroit Festival of the Arts is on this weekend and I could go see the sand sculpture that folks were making when I taught on Wednesday night--an Alice in Wonderland-ish theme. Hmpf / 3.

Final Score: Just 1 hmpf = "mildly annoying, a little disconcerting, but the misplacement of the items is not something to explode over, nor is it something that will negatively affect me forever."

So...if you have any leads on where I might find these items, please let me know. I might offer a reward of some kind: homemade apple sauce, a back rub, or maybe even a trip to Toronto! Or, if you're feeling especially kind, you could just buy me a new black, zippered hoodie and AC charger.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


CBC News reports:

1) Al Zarqawi was killed by the U.S. military--is this good? Could be, but we're also now part of the revenge cycle (quid pro quo, as they say). Does that validate the situation? Are we fuelling the volatility that exists in the Middle East?

2) A new vaccine has been created to help prevent HPV--a potentially great moment for the future (unknown) sufferers of cervical cancer.

3) CSIS was successful in dismantling a plan to attack various points in Ottawa and Toronto--folks are now debating whether this would have been a "Canadian 9-11" and whether there is danger that the Canadian public is not being made aware of.

All potentially "good" news, all unsettling when I think about how violent our world is right now. If given the chance, would I go to Lebanon and be in a region that is itself regenerating its own volatility? Or, do I stay home and face potential attacks? Or, further, do I live my life in some relaxed way (as I've been trying) and find that, eventually, cancer will rear its ugly head. None is a great option. And, possibly, I'm just overreacting.

Not a good day for decisions, I s'pose. And certainly not a good day to let my imagination run wild-- (not too sure how to end this post--will get back to it another time).

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


A friend of mine gave me a sign that says, "Live Well," and it goes perfectly well with what I've been trying to do for the last few months. Eating better, exercising, relaxing, reducing stress, all that stuff we should always be doing but rarely ever do.

For all of you who've been tracing my progress, I have news: DOWN 20!

Now, granted, that's only about half way to where I'd like to be, but hey, 20 lbs. in three months isn't anything to sneeze at! Yay!!

Feeling good.

Psst: Marty, you're next Mister! Keep at it!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

What else would you expect on I-94W just past Trumbull?